We often describe life as ‘busy.’ There is no time to sit down even for a glass of water. Everything is done in tiptoe speed. But always being on a rush is not good for physical healthy as well as mental health. Yes there is no denying to the fact that you have no time whatsoever to even look after yourself or care a little for yourself. We are just becoming workaholics. Even though you may not want to fall into the category of workaholics but sadly, my friend, you are becoming one. However, here is what a workaholics should do to maintain his physical as well as mental health.
Sleep is very important. There is a reason God has created night. Sleep is the best way to renew your body. At least seven hours of sleep is required for every human being. This will only help and boost your mind, weight and productivity at work. Your body speaks with you. You need to be attentive enough to understand what your body is telling you. Ignoring your body is the biggest mistake that you would be doing. If your body is tired it will show that. If you want your body to be healthy and fit it needs its minerals, vitamins and nutrients. It is any time better to take vitamins on a daily base then to pay a lump sum on the diseases.
Yes, man cannot survive in isolation. But today, every man needs some time alone. Spending time alone is rebooting time. Some time alone gives you time to think or reflect on the things you are doing or on the things that you want to do. It helps in identifying your needs and desire. And usually it is during your isolation time that you will actually hear your inner self. This isolation time is more like an exclusive time for yourself.
Long sitting hours in office could also affect your health. So you need to exercise. Exercise helps in making life better and healthier. Also you will observe that your body function is more likely to improve once you start exercising on a regular bases. Just like you need exercise for a good physical health, you need the sun, fresh air and greenery for a good mental health. Office can never been a good place for your mind or body. So head out, soak yourself in the sun and breathe in fresh air. You will feel much better. And once a while go for a vacation. Just make sure you do not tell your boss that you are going on a vacation or else it will not be a vacation.